This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Thursday, June 30, 2005


I kicked it with the kids at the juvenile center today. I fell in love. They were awesome! I went with two other girls Jamie, who shared a video about the country, and Sharry, who read a Gwendolyn Brooks poem. I read an original piece. THey liked it, and related it to the Bible. It was so cute. ANother boy shared a poem too, and the Warden was teaching the Word. We gave them a homework assignment. Mine was that they had to find a verse in the Bible, memorize it, and then say how it applies to their life, or how it can apply to their life. It was the first thing that came to the top of my head. If they don't know it, they may have to do some push-ups or something.
THey were adorable guys, even though some of the people their (mainly people who work at the front) treat them like animals. Yeah, there were a couple of guys we met today in for murder, but most were drug related crimes, or car theft. They were highly intelligent, which a lot of people would probably be surprised about. ANyway, I'm going back next week. The warden kept saying that people like us is all they got. I don't want to get too attached, seeing that I'll have to leave them in about a month. I hope they're all there next week, and not sent off to the state pen or anything.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


You ever have a bunch of stuff to do but don't quite feel like it so you're bored? That's been me today. I have a lot of projects I need to finish soon, but I really don't have the desire to work on them. I usually need some serious motivation and creative juices flowing to finish any writing project.

NOthing much went down today. I watched some closing arguments; Worked a little bit on a brief; Joked with some detectives; had a veggie burger at BK; and now I'm at PB. Yesterday evening I went to the park, walked, and then ended up playing tennis. I was a little rusty, and a little out of shape. I was sweating like a pig, and now my muscles are sore again. It was fun playing though. The guy I was playing with used to teach tennis WITH Arthur Ashe. Whoa! Big stuff. WE might play some more, or even do some private lessons. He's an older guy, but still gots game.

Question of the day: If one of your superiors (like a boss) asks you how they did on something and you thought it sucked, do you tell them the truth? Or, do you invoke your right to remain silent?

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Actress or attorney

Let's keep it real. Everything in life is about presentation. If you are the cutest guy in the world, but present yourself like a bum, most eyes will look past you. If you're the smartest person in the world, and can't convey information to a group of students, they'll still fail their tests, despite your intelligence. Likewise, if you got the best case in the world--all the evidence lines up, plenty of credible witnesses--and don't know how to convince a jury, you're done for. So the moral of the story is (1) attorneys need acting skills, (2) smart people need teaching skills, and (3) single people need hair, body, and clothing, looking nice, coordinated, fashionable, and presentable.

As far as I'm concerned, am I a chic that's willing to look past the outside package? Only in compelling circumstances. If I male black approaches me dressed like half the ones coming into the court--extremely baggy jeans, large, wide white t-shirt, hoopin shoes, etc.--I probably won't. Today, however, I was fooled. I was in the presence of a very clean cut alleged drug dealer, who was actually very handsome. He came to me and asked me if I was a student. I said yes, and an intern at the prosecutor's. I asked him if he was a student. He was very well-spoken and said something to the extent that he was "unfortunately" involved in the case at hand. He didn't talk ghetto, or use a bunch of ebonics. He sounded like one of the guys at law school. In fact, if he wasn't a drug dealer, and possibly awaiting a mandatory minimum of 3 years in the state pen with no parole, I might have invited him to church.

Monday, June 27, 2005


SO everyone at the job keeps asking me where I'm going to take the bar. Now, if it was completely and totally up to me, and there were no outside factors and circumstances to consider, I would move to Atlanta, Georgia and be a pretty happy camper. At least for a few years. I could kick it with Creflo, and go to all the conferences, and have a great time! Then, Michigan is growing on me, but only because of Word of Faith. I don't like Southfield, and I really can't stand Detroit. I would live way out in the burbs if I hung around the D. Other than church and cool people there, I really don't have a strong desire to stay in Michigan. Then, compelling familial circumstances are drawing me to St. Louis, where I know there are many Word churches, but I don't know what Bible-carrying devil stomping crowd I would roll with.
Stay in NY? I could almost do that, but I heard the winters out here were bad like Michigan's. In addition, there's a lot of elevated land, which makes it tougher to drive in the snow. Kentucky--that's the forbidden state. Too much heartache, haterade, and hidden in the middle of NOTHING. Texas and LA? I would only go there because of family ties. Otherwise, my preference is a more centralized location, so I can get up and drive wherever I want whenever I want. So what's left--Chi-town. Plenty of esh, good shopping, good Word, and pretty central to my regularly traveled locations, except for the ATL. I'm told winter there is miserable too.

So what does that leave? Well, there are a lot of states I haven't been too yet. I know inside that it's about what God wants, and there may still be some rebel in me that needs to come out. However, I don't want to live in anymore cold, snowy weather. But I don't want to live anywhere that's not a car-ride away from where I like to go. SO, maybe there's a town in Tennessee that's waiting on me. I have a feeling after this summer I am going to want to come back and visit Jersey. There are a lot of really nice, cool people here. I love it! But I'm all the way across the country from my pops. : ( What is a girl to do?

Sunday, June 26, 2005


I'm starting to like being single so much that my desire to marry is steadily on the decrease. Don't get me wrong, I want to marry one day. However, it's cool right now to be able to travel and go places and live where I want and do what I want and not have anyone to answer to. Men need so much help that it would be hard to do the things I do and then help some man. Plus, you can look at other guys and not get in trouble. : )

So I figure now, whoever I get with I think should be like me--someone who likes good clean fun, disney movies, getting up and going, loves kids, games, church, intelligence, etc. Having some man holding me down just aint what I want. Just thought I'd throw that in there.

BY the Way, Shawndia is HEALED IN JESUS NAME!!!


Well, the wireless I was BORROWING failed on me. So, I'm blogging from Panera Bread today as I feast on a couple of Bagels and watch Word of Faith broadcast.

Last night I took this guy Jean Paul to church with me. I was a little nervous. He hasn't been to church in years, and the last one he was at was Catholic. But, he enjoyed Pastor Dollar.
THe day before yesterday I did a pedestrian tour of lower Manhattan. We walked for hours, and I was so tired, but it was great. We went to CHina town, Little Italy, saw the Statue of LIberty from Battery Park, SOHO, Greenwich village, 5th Avenue, the biggest Forever 21 ever, and this huge bookstore called Strands. We ate at this awesome Thai restaurant (veggies and rice) and saw the Empire state building.

Like I said before, everyone in NY has a hussle. I gotta get with the program. I think I'll take my keyboard and a cup to the subway station and sing about Jesus or something. I thought about putting a bunch of my books in a trashbag and walking around the city and selling them. That's what everyone else does.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

High Heel strollin

Dr. Stacia inspired me when she talked about her four hour stroll in the mall in high heels. Well, I don't have super high ones but I got a few inches, so I strolled around the village in them today after checkin in at the prosecutors for a couple of hours. Today I met three people with Michigan ties, including a Cooley and MSU grad. The MSU/Cooley grad is a chief assistant prosecutor, and took 4 different bar exams. He is an instructor for Bar exams. He was giving me these tips because he took the Michigan bar, and said to call him when the time comes around because he has free help and material for me. FAVOR!

In my village stroll, I paid a couple bills at the post office, picked up a smoothie at cold stone creamery (go Roman), and just walked around. WHile I was in the creamery, I ran into this guy who just opened up a clothing boutique and he asked me to come by. THe place was real pretty. I ended up buying a t-shirt, and out of the kindness of his heart gave me a t-shirt for free! I was delighted. I was happy to support him since there don't seem to be a lot of brothers my age in the area who are doing something positive. He said next time I come back he'll have some gospel music for me.

Highlight of the day: 15 roses showed up at my door from....a really cool person. : )

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

SOWING my single Oats...

Is that how they say it? Well, anywho, that's what I feel like I'm doing. Everyone I at the prosecutor's office says that it's good that I'm traveling now, because in a few years I probably won't be able to. They're usually referring to things like employment and marital status, children, things of that nature that tend to lock a sistah down. Question: how do they know I'm the marrying kind? Well, I do hope to marry one day, a real, mighty, man of God that's so fine that I can taste his good looks just be seeing him. Please, only 6 packs apply, thank you. : ) I still don't know about being locked down though. My man has to like to travel. My fam and friends are all over the country. Plus, there are still a lot of places I haven't been yet in the U.S. alone.

Been there done that list: Alabama, California, Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri***, Mississippi, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, PEnn(drove through for a long time), Texas, Tennessee.

To see list: all of Florida, Louisiana--New Orleans, Baton Rouge; Portland & Seattle; Philadelphia (in very near future), Wisconsin (Go Jonathan!), Arizona--Phoenix (go Matt!); Hawaii

Yeah, after that I will at least been to half of the states. I realized that traveling tends to show you how ignorant you are. There is so much to learn in other environments. It's great. Maybe the spousy and I will be urban evangelists, and travel U.S cities. That would be fun. But whoever, he is, he got to be fa real, not skirrrrd to go somewhere and try something new. I like to be on the move.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

LiFe JoNEs

So I got a few new buddies here--Dicelis, Jean Paul, and Steve. Also, a lot of the people at the office are becoming more friendly, and inviting us to social gatherings and things of that nature. Tonight, it's about game 6!! Pistons gotta, and will pull it off. You can quote me if you want.

I went to this place called the Gospel Cafe today, and last week they showed The Truth About Hip Hop and had a discussion. I wish I would have been there. I wanted to ask the lady if they were going to show it again, but she was way too busy for customers on the phone with one of her friends.

So I missed a mandatory meeting by telephone I was supposed to attend (or listen in on) at the law school concerning my externship. I didn't do it on purpose, it just completely slipped my mind. I've been having so much going on at the office, I just haven't really thought much about school affairs. So, i have to write a 10 page paper instead of 5 at the end of the summer. Sucks. Speaking of school, I think that this semester I'm taking a very light load. I only have 18 credits to go, so I'm thinking of splitting them up as 10 & 8 or 9 & 9. This way I'll have more time for my job at the Court, volunteer stuff, campus ministry, music, church, and all those other things I do outside of legal stuff. I'm really looking forward to the fall semester. It's going to be busy though.

Dear Ayanna, I paid the electric bill. You'll be lighted for another month! : ) Dear South Orange, I haven't paid that parking ticket that yall know yall were wrong for giving me. Dear Ora Manor, rent is on the way. Dear God, do you see all these financial obligations?

Monday, June 20, 2005


Excitement abounds! Okay, so today we went to the youth house. (a local detention center--largest one in the state) There were only a few girls there. Now, some of the little boys were trying to holla. Some seemed really nice and sweet. Some were putting on a show. It was interesting--the bloods and crips had separate living facilities, but they attend their classes jointly. The Warden--super cool guy--says we should all come back and give back to the kids there, because a lot of them don't have anybody. He asked me what I do and I told him I play music. However, it looks like I'll be back there next week with another girl to teach the guys a poetry class. We decided to prepare a poem to bring--I already know which one I'm bringing.

Today I got my first appeal. A silly simple assault case. Because of the light sentence, I wouldn't have even appealed it, but the defendant did--her money. Anywho, my oral argument is scheduled in the courthouse in mid-July. I'm quite excited about arguing it, making sure justice is served. : )

ANywho, I was excited about today because I've found a way to work with kids while I'm here in Newark. Even though they are locked up kids, and I can't exactly take them for a stroll and picnic in the park, at least I have the opportunity to impart something into some young lives. Sow a seed, reap a harvest. God will give the increase. I love kids, even those charged with murder and stuff.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

WHOS UR DADDY...tell the truth

He he ha ha. Well, I'm truly grateful to have Tweety in my life. There are many people, esp. black people, who don't know their dads and I'm fortunate to not be one of them. My Tweety is Grrrrrrrrreat! And he's cool and fun! (a lot like me, strangely enough) And, he could beat up your dad!. : ) I'm also fortunate to have a heavenly father, and some spiritual fathers--Biship Butler, Pastor Dollar, Pastor Chris. Happy father's day to my brothers--KB & NB, and to all the dads who are reading this! However, Tweety is the only one entitled to a gifty and card!

Church last night was real cool. Pastor Dollar is fun to watch. he spoke again on the differences between human emotional love and unconditional, agape love. It was good stuff. Makes me wonder how many people really know what true love is.

Music--oh yeah, so I'm looking to purchase a new or used keyboard stands. ANybody know someone getting rid of one, holla @ me. I've been playing more hymns and worship music lately. It's gradually going up to another level, and becoming more fun. When you have a hobby like music, it almost makes you want to quit your day job. Fortunately, I don't have a day job right now to quit. Just the prosecutor's office!!!

So tonight is the Pistons game (yeah--Detroit Basketball!!) and tomorrow is my trip to the local juvenile detention center. Tomorrow may make or break my destiny. WHy? Because I know that I want to work with children and youth. I may encounter something tomorrow that shows me I was wrong about what I thought I'm supposed to be doing with my life. Scary, huh. Yeah, kind of.

Friday, June 17, 2005


Today the judge catered in food for a Father's Day party in the courtroom. All the dads got to eat first. And she gave all the dad's gifts. The courtroom across the hall had a fried chicken contest, and the judge in there made the final decision. More than just criminal stuff goes on in court.

I was driving home today, bumping CAJO (Canton Jones), one of them tracks with the best beat ever recorded in the history of mankind. I was at a stoplight, and this bum was walking across the street--an old guy with missing teeth, extremely old clothes, limping, looked like he smelled bad. Well, he just starts dancing in the middle of the street; I mean tootsie roll and droppin it like it's hot and all kinds of stuff. Cars were honking at him because he was blocking traffic. He was pointing in my car, indicating that he was dancing to my beats. Interesting stuff. He smiled and waved at me when I drove away. Hmmmm....

So, is "Do what makes you happy?" really good advice. Honestly, if everyone did what made them truly happy, would anybody really work? I don't think I would. I think I would live on a private island, only with the people who I liked being around, with a church a mansion, organic juices, fruits, and veggies, and plenty of fun stuff to do--movie rentals, books, word, and chill on the beach, play basketball, tennis, volleyball, swim, play keyboard, kick it with my family and friends. Well, there aren't many degrees that prepare you for that line of work. So, should you really do what makes you happy, or should you start off doing what is practical?

It's funny how old people have all this great advice, but they never tell you how to carry it out. I guess that's just what we have to learn ourselves.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Conflict brings Clarity

So, I basically told this big shot defense attorney today that I think his client is guilty. I didn't mean to come across in that manner. Truthfully, I don't know that his client is guilty of the crime charged, but should definitely be off the street.

He was telling me about police corruption and that sort of thing, which probably does go on. One thing's for sure--you reap what you sow. If you live a criminal lifestyle, it will somehow catch up to you. you may end up behind bars for a slightly different crime than you committed, but it was probably coming to you sooner or later anyway. Is it right for police to set up people for the wrong crimes? Certainly not. But stay out of trouble and the police probably won't think to mess with you. And that's my 2 cent.

I only went to the prosecutor's for a few hours today, basically to see some trials and see if a jury verdict came in for the guy's client who I was talking to. Not too much action today. Oh yeah, I went to this consignment shop down the street. I ended up buying a skirt and a purse, and the guy gave me a purse for free, just because I liked it. He was a sweet man. I also mailed my Dad his Father's day card and gift. Nothing to much, but I hope he likes it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


This is not my motto. No, I don't trust everybody I come across. In fact, I trust very few people. I believe my time spent thus far in Jersey has had an effect on that. It just seems like there are so many criminals here. Maybe because the court I work in alone deals with about a hundred each day, not to mention the other courts in the building that see people too.

My caucasion audience probably doesn't understand that I used to feel comfortable in urban settings, and uncomfortable in rural ones, because you thought of rednecks and KKK and stuff like that. But it's like black people's crimes don't make sense, they rob from each other, and other races. So I've concluded that the hood really aint the place to be either. I got angels, but I want them to at least have a break sometimes from having to provide for my daily protection.

Anywho, so back to the strangers thing. One of the reasons I don't have trouble seeing new places is that I don't have trouble meeting people. It's real easy to strike up conversations with friendly people. I've met some cool people here in Jersey. Me and this girl from the office went shopping the other day, and we're supposed to go hang out in NYC one weekend. Plus, I met one girl from church already. I've met my neighbors. I've been invited to a plethora of social activities at the prosecutor's office.

A LIST FOR THE FELLAS: Top 10 indications that a girl may not want you
1. She gives you the wrong name
2. She gives you the wrong phone number
3. She runs away when you approach her
4. Every time you ask her out she's washing her hair
5. She refers to you as "that boy"
6. She'd rather stay in tonight and read the paper
7. When you ask for her number she offers her email instead.
8. You call her and a message comes up indicating that that party isn't receiving calls at this time from your number.
9. There's always static on her line when she answers the phone
10. Everytime you call, she answers the phone with the "calling in sick to work" voice

Tuesday, June 14, 2005



Three male blacks. Two teenagers, one middle-aged, dead, naked, lifeless, cut open for an autopsy. The two kids--15 and 16--were shot last night. They still had baby faces. I wondered if they were in heaven, watching their old bodies be ripped open and examined by medical professionals on a table. I don't really understand the purpose of the autopsy when both of them had been shot. We saw their bullet wounds, and old blood around the skin where the bullets entered.


Closing statements made by the prosecution and defense in the double homicide case I've been watching. Personally, I think the defense attorney has not done a good job. But, it is a tough case for both sides. I even think the guy did it, and I usually side with the defendant until the prosecutor has been extremely compelling in the arguments.


SO, the question for today: Why are black men in inner cities still killing one another? Why don't they see yet that there is some serious deception going on? I was actually writing these thoughts down when I met this guy Jimmy in a small cafe down the street. Jimmy's an artist from Trinidad and works in the cafe--very friendly. Anywho, here are my thoughts:

The killer of the black man's soul:
Whence was he born and
How will he die?
It's/he's sown abundant seed
to reap his harvest of death...of self...of hip...hop
Why have you slain my brothers so subtly, suddenly
so violently, vehemently, so spiritually, and mentally
a miscreated masqueraded macerator of black brains.
Beauty and deception...or beauty is deception
Sweet concessions end in nervous confessions
of evil seen heard done.
Why can he kill and remain without inculpation?
He's a master murderer, in depth deceiver.
Rare are the ones who weren't washed in your
black blood.
How did they escape?
Why are you after them?
How did you trap the others so easily?
So if you don't understand it, leave a comment or shoot me an email. haha

Monday, June 13, 2005


Cool day. Did write ups for grand jury hearings for the grand jury prosecutors. Grand jury hearings seem like they would be a piece of cake. You can use all the hearsay evidence you want to. Plus, the standard of proof is much lower. ( u law people may not get that)

Anywho, I also went back to arraignments in Central Judicial Processing. Now, this is not a crack on physically disabled people. But really, I don't think people in wheelchairs make good drug dealers. And really, don't pick up an extra charge of resisting arrest when you know you can't roll away from four cops that quickly. And really, I think they can tell if you've stuffed a large bag of marijuana in the front of your pants. ( I'll leave that one alone).

Today I was reminded of a quote from the Bible. I'm not gonna get it exactly, but those who live by the sword die by the sword. You reap what you sow. A lot of people on the streets here who have been shot did it to someone in the past. I'ts real interesting.


Okay, so VD is a Christian and he has some friends who are Masons. Well, he looked on the internet and found their secret passwords and handshakes and showed them and they were really upset. I told him that I met a guy who renounced Masonry, who told us that at the 32nd degree level people made an oath to Lucifer. So the Prosecutor asked me to see how many Masonry passwords I could find online tonight. V.D. is hilarious.


Okay Detroit, you really gotta get it together. I keep getting teased at the office.

LUNGH--veggie burger with tomatoes, lettuce, and onions, and some french fries. delicious. only 5 bucks

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Sat-day churchin

Saturday night church was real cool. No I'm not Seventh Day Adventist, but the World Changers NY service meets on Sat nights so Pastor Dollar can be back in Atlanta for Sunday Morning. It's really cool going to church at Madison Square Garden. I saw this poster of John Starks ( I couldn't stand that man) dunking on some of the Chicago Bulls players. It had to be the 91 season. Knicks still lost so ha ha.


Let me keep it all the way real. I was reading an excerpt from the book a few weeks ago every young woman's battle. The book talks a lot about emotional struggles of young ladies. ANywho, one thing it said was that we often just don't feel a person because they don't "fit your mold." And, it said a lot of times the person who will fit your mold will remind you of your family members. With that said I must say two things: (1) I have an awesome dad and awesome brothers. No one could probably ever match up to them. THey are great men, educated, work good jobs, love and take care of their families. So take any man in my family and add an extra dose of the holy ghost, and you basically have what I want. I'm not a picky chic, I just like a cool, talented, smart guy with a great sense of humor who loves the lord my God with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength, and his neighbor as himself.

(2) Not to brag, but more men have been approaching me lately than ever in my life. (maybe its the perfume like Pastor Stacia said) It's not that I'm picky, or that I think too highly of myself. It's just that the men in my family have set too good of an example for me to get with someone who doesn't measure up. (Even my cousin Adam is awesome too! I love him!) There are actually a few guys that I know who remind me a lot of the men in my family. ( I can't tell you who they are--what if they are reading now?)

Anywho, I'm not a big fan of physical attributes, though I can appreciate a nice looking brother. My main concern is do you love God, and will you love me eternally? That's all I need.

I'm sure I'll do another entry on this at a later date. It's a pretty hot topic.

Friday, June 10, 2005

One down, 8 to go

So the first week is over. It's been really cool. This is good career exploration. I already know that I am called to work with children in the law and not adults. I don't have nearly as much compassion for adult criminals as I do juveniles. Thorugh most of these people probably grew up in poverty and surrounded by criminal activity, something tells me that just like me, they had the opportunity to make a choice to live a legitimate lifestyle and stay out of trouble. Before a criminal record, a job really isn't that hard to find, even if it means starting at McDonalds. College can be fairly simple to get in to, even if it means starting at the local community college. In addition, there are a lot of jobs out there that do not require a college education. Most of the people I worked with in Lansing over custody disputes were not college educated, yet they made a decent living. I understand that there are a lot of barriers in place that possibly make it harder for our people to move ahead. However, it seems like people should be much more motivated to getting over/around these barriers than just settling for being another criminal statistic, another unemployed, uneducated black man behind bars creating another fatherless child roaming the streets. It's a vicious cycle, and someone really needs to stop it.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

bloggin on the bailiff

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. After court session was out, and after the lunch party, one of the court clerks came up to me. She motioned for me to follow her into her office. I went in and she informed me that someone wanted to meet me. I thought it would be someone important. (Well, everyone's important, but I was thinking along the lines of a judge or some high ranking court official) It was a bailiff. I already forgot his name. She brought him over and introduced us. I was actually in conversation with one of my colleagues at the time. I basically just shook the guy's hand and said good to meet you, and walked away before he could get to any small talk. I needed to use the restroom anyway.


V.D. has got to be the coolest prosecutor in the world. When he doesn't get his way in court, he gets loud. I promise he could convince someone that the sky is yellow when it's really blue. The judge almost always rules in his favor. THe public defender hates him. Cool stuff! Next week V.D. is out of town, so I'll be doing his job (parts of it anyway).

So this kid is on trial on the 12th floor for a murder. He's apparently involved in a gang, and was just robbing some innocent chics for money. He has real long hair. One of his boys came to watch him in court today, and spent the whole time twisting his hair. The defendant looks as if he is my age, male black. He has an extensive record. Sad that he made these poor decisions so early. I think he's going to go away for quite some time.

Free lunch again today! The judge's secretary's birthday was today, and the judge invited me to lunch with the whole gang. Lunch was catered into the courtroom, and the judge made everyone hold hands and pray over the food. She stated that if anyone was offended by prayer they should leave. Cool!

Excitement today--everyone at the office is real hype about all the murder trials going on in the building, and all the witnesses and stuff. Also, everyone's yapping about the Michael Jackson trial. It seems like every prosecutor I've met thinks he's guilty. I wonder if that's just how prosecutor's think. It might be rubbing off on me.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

workplace wisdom, blessed with lunch

So, If you ever come to a new job, and you can sense that one of the old workers is intimidated by your presence, act shy and quiet. For some reason, they seem to not be as threatened. They don't have to know you're putting on a front until later! : )

ANywho, today we went to police academy, but it was kind of boring. Afterwards, I went with two fellow interns to this Diner. THeir names--Ray and Diecelis. Don't ask me to pronounce it. It was really cool. And Ray blessed me with lunch. No, he don't want me. He doesn't even know me. He just appreciated the fact that I drove.

People keep asking me what made me come out to NJ. I think it has been a great decision. THere is much to do out here, many many people. THe job is fun. The criminals are great! People are nice, and it is always nice to get away and think. I got something else and more experience for my resume, and it's helping me see more into various career choices.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

scumbag at the office

1. Scumbag--n. the old man at the office who likes to sweet talk all the women and preys on new young interns. That's who I met today. He's one of the chief prosecutor's and I heard him telling another prosecutor about how fine I was and how that prosecutor wanted me as his intern just because I was cute and sent all the guys away. hmmm....Today was cool. I prepared some files for the prosecutor for some bail/arraingnment hearings. He tried to get me to argue some, but I told him I would rather wait one more day to make sure I have the hang of it.

One thing he argued today was that a girl (probably younger than me) should have this super high bail amount. THe defense attorney was throwing a fit, and the girl looked like she wanted to cry . No wonder people hate prosecutors. Cool.

Watched a murder trial today. The prosecution was doing awesome. The defense wasn't so good, but observed a jury member sleeping. I hope she was an alternate. Tomorrow--police academy. THursday--I argue in court. Friday--free day. Looking forward to the rest of the week.

Oh yeah, this keyboard thing is going great. I bought some more sheet music before I left E.L., so I've been practicing songs like Love lifted me and To Him Who Sits and The Throne and other worship songs I like. Fun fun fun

Monday, June 06, 2005

without a vision the people perish...

Ghetto--a term I would say accurately describes areas like East St. Louis, South Chicago, East and West Detroit, Memphis, some of Atlanta. However, the term does not mean enough to describe Newark, New Jersey. I've literally never seen anything like it. Word to the wise--if you ever have a public defender, don't cuss him out; he's probably your last hope.

It took me half an hour to drive 3 and 1/2 miles today. Between crazy drivers, buses, pulling over for police officers and ambulances, kids and adults all in and over the street, the commute was somewhat frustrating. The local high school's mascot--the Rough Riders. hmmm. How many crackheads did I see today? Countless. Police officers? countless. Stray children? Way too many for comfort. Pregnant teenage girls? same. How many defendants in the court sessions I watched today were black male? about 99.99% Very sad numbers, yet these are the people I'll be representing, instead of the big corporate giant where I could be guaranteed a six figure salary, yet spending no time with my family, friends, church, or myself.

Looks like I'll be doing a lot of courtroom work this summer. Some arraignments, grand jury indictments, bail hearings, remands. I saw this big time NJ drug dealer today. He was extremely intelligent, and you would never guess his true profession if you saw him on the street.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Newark & NYC

Okay, for real. I've been around the world and ya ya ya, and I've never seen a city like this. I live on Valley Street, right in between Seton Hall U (rich area), downtown, and a lot of hood. It seems like I drove through 3 different hood areas just to find my job at the prosecutor's office. It took me a while to find it, but I certainly was not about ask any of the ghetto kings and queens which way the prosecutor's office was. I truly believe it was in God's perfect plan for me to be here. I see crowds of people out on the street--all the time, no matter what time of day I'm out. It's time to attack.

Yesterday, I took my first train ride to NYC. World Changers service had been moved to another location, because Aretha Franklin was having a concert in the Madison Square Garden Theatre. Now I gotta wait til next Saturday to see my boy. : ( Anywho, many weirdos on the train. Many guys on the street trying to talk to me. Much esh. I watched a serious altercation in the street, and thought I was going to have to run. I saw 2 very muscular men holdng hands, many races, creeds, colors, a lot of guy swith dredlocks. Yo, this place is so fun. NY is a pretty classy city, but Newark, NJ is mad ghetto. We gotta lot of work to do.