This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

when I grow up

Okay, so you get to law school with these wonderful ideas of how to implement change and promote social justice. But, the catch is, you don't find out how corrupt and horrible the system is until you are about to graduate. So, the law sucks, and you are less than two months away from a J.D. What do you do?

Well, maybe I could move to Hollywood, exercise til I'm a size zero, and see if anyone needs movie extras. I could ask the church to ship me overseas and make me an Asian missionary. Or, I could take Mr. Neal up on that nun/monk deal. There's always McDonalds, though I think Taco Bell pays a dollar more. Maybe I'll just stay in school until I die. Or, I could just find a man and get barefoot and pregnant and not worry about working. There's this place called DejaVu that always has employment ads in the paper. Maybe I could start a carwash, or a lemonade stand, or sell Avon. i could move to the east coast, chill outside the New Jersey train stations with my keyboard and a cup.

What's a girl to do?

Monday, March 27, 2006

The Real "truth" about Hip Hop...

Is G. Craig really right, or is he just one of those Christian preachers that's making the body look pretty bad. He said a bunch of things the other night, including that (1) Kanye West is gay, (2) Tupac got laid down in jail, (3) Russell Simmons and his wife worship these strange gods, (4) Jay-Z worships satan, and a whole bunch of other things. Do I buy it? Not really, but I know a bunch of other people did. This is the same man that said Creflo told Mase to go make that money. Where does he get his info from? Did he interview Kanye, or Creflo, or Russell Simmons? I mean, I could probably build a case agaisnt anyone if I spent enough time on the internet.
Regardless, I'm no longer an all-out G. Craig fan. I don't think it's right to make unsubstantiated statements about people. In addition, i think he now has the wrong motivation behind his message. It's clear that he's more interested in being a controversial preacher than ensruing that young black children be delivered from various circumstances.
Dude even tried to blast Joel Osteen about an interview he had on Larry King live.

I must say, I hate the effects just as much as he does that hip hop has had on our generation. However, lying on people, defaming character, libel, slander...these aren't the ways to respond to it. Praying for people, talking to people, and providing positive alternatives, is probably the more effective route.

Some people are saying G. Craig has a demon! I don't buy that either. I just think he's gone to far with his "ministry."

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Feels so Good!!

It feels so good....

1. to not have to register for classes for another semester

2. to not have to fill out a fafsa form

3. to leave Michigan (no offense, but it's time to go)

4. to help people

5. to go to a Mexican restaurant with all your supervisors and have the time of your life

6. to GRADUATE!!!

7. to be a lawyer (almost)

8. to have supportive, godly people in my life

9. to serve a God that really loves me, and really wants to meet my needs, and address my concerns

10. to screen calls for your boss and know you won't get in trouble for it

11. to be single and confident

12. to smell good today, i used this new dove body wash and it's off the charts

13. to know that my diet doesn't increase my chances of picking up mad cow, bird flu, and other diseases associated with meat consumtion : )

14. to have cool people to work with in the Rental Housing Clinic.

15. to feel secure about my future, even though I don't know what it entails.

I think the list could go on forever

Monday, March 20, 2006

Is there a heaven?

Well, I've been thinking a lot lately about my priorities. Here's why....
I posed the question to myself, if we really believe that Jesus is coming back any second now, would we really ever sin? Does that mean people say they believe, but in actuality don't believe?

Today as I thought about life's everyday stresses, like the stuff in the middle east, financial issues, school, job, relationships, career, the bar.....the usual stuff, I thought to myself, if I knew that this time next year I would be in heaven, would I even let this stuff bother me?

I know it seems like a strange thought process, but I'm starting to see that many people don't think about the end of the earth, or rapture, or heaven. I think because they seem like scary topics. It's always hard to conceptualize that which you don't understand. And, there are many spiritual issues that the human brain just can't fathom. We just won't know til we get there...and the unknown can be kind of difficult to think about.

TO be honest, I don't really like thinking about it either. I really like life as it is, give or take a few things. And going into gray areas has never been fun for me. So, I guess confusion has tried to hit with regards to how exactly to conduct my day to day affairs.

Maybe I could use some advising

Thursday, March 16, 2006

hurting people hurt people

joyce Meyer says it all the time. SO so true. I talked to this man on the phone today who had the nastiest attitude. He was making all kinds of threats, and just being completely unprofessional. Well, when I finally got to the bottom of it, I found that he had just been hurt by the system, and wanted to hurt back those who he felt caused his hurt. Interesting, but it happens with the best of us.
I wondered if that's why some men cheat and hurt their, that's just cuz they're jerks.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Is this how a lawyer feels?

I'm up late.....sleepy. I think I would love to be in bed by 10 every night. Tonight....I need to complete this answer and counterclaim. It's gotta be done by tomorrow, cuz I gotta be in court by Wednesday. At least...I know where my help comes from.

I went to see Madea's family reunion last night. I fell in love...with Boris. haha. Well, not just him, the movie was really good too. I really appreciated a positive depiction of the African-American family. It touched my heart.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Da Scripshas...and why I hate religion

I heard someone say today, "This week I read Ezekiel 37,38, and 39 in the newspaper." There's an exciting thing about Bible prophesy coming to pass--people who have never experienced or saw God will do so before it's all over. So much is going on in the world right now, particularly the middle east. Nations rising against nations...wars and rumors of such. But, God's people always get the last laugh.

I decided today that I do officially hate religion. "Religion" is empty. There's nothing in it! Just stuff to do. Going to church doesn't make you holy, nor does prayer, or fasting, or doing good things. What makes one holy is their inner commitment to God. This doesn't mean that church, prayer, fasting aren't good things to do. On the same note, it's hard for me to respect religions where all there are is a bunch of rules to follow. Who wants to follow a bunch of rules? That's so boring....not only that, if I was God, I wouldn't want a bunch of people following boring rituals in the name of me, like they're forcing themselves to do a bunch of stuff they don't really feel like doing.

I also have trouble respecting religions that encourage people to kill those that don't believe like they do. My pastor read from a certain religious text a couple of sundays ago, and the congregation was perplexed.

Anywho, God (to me) is so much cooler than a bunch of rules. God is equivalent to love and liberty. I don't think a boring, ritualized church service is a reflection of God. And I don't think churches that have NO impact in the community are a true reflection of God either. GOd brings power...and power changes things.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

I remember...

I was thinking the other day, on Michael's birthday, how things were back when most of my friends were in close geographic proximity to me. It was so cool, and much easier to be a blessing. For Mike's 19th birthday, we gave him a surprise party at Steak n Shake, complete with balloons, dessert, and Dr. Robinson clowning everyone.

I think the funnest birthday I ever had was my 16th. Nothing fancy, no sweet sixteens (I was a hopeless tomboy) ..just me, my mom, and my brother. We went to see Space Jam, went out to eat, and when we got home...lo and behold, a Michael Jordan cake and ice cream...the life!!!
My 24th birthday sucked was that day that began a whole series of relationship issues, that only recently came to an everlasting CLOSE. It's finito, you blankety blank!! just kiddin.

By the way happy birthday kevin!

my ideal birthday would be doing something outdoors and fun, like going to Cedar Point, or a trip to the zoo, an outdoor block party with Canton Jones playing, a big picnic with volleyball, basketball, and veggie burgers....a walk on the beach barefoot with a significant other...complete with nothing but a nice, romantic, holy (romans16:16) kiss!!! ahh....the life.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Political, but correct? maybe

I generally try to stay away from political humor, as these days political matters are such a touchy subject, and some people just can't take a joke. However, I was rolling when I read the "boondocks" comic strip in my school newspaper.
: "Michael Jackson's releasing a Katrina relief song six month's after the storm."
: "What's it called?"
: "Still faster than FEMA."

disclaimer: this comic strip does not necessarily reflect my views regarding the U.S., fema, Katrina etc etc etc, nor is it an attempt to pass judgment on anyone or any organization.

Anywho, spring break has officially begun, and I haven't started breaking yet. I have so much work to do, and I have studying to do also. In addition, I think I'll be making a mid-week 48 hour business trip. Then, I take the MPRE saturday. Chile, pray my strength....