This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

just venting

Nothing on my mind today....

Sometimes in life things don't go the way you want them to. ... How are we supposed to respond when that happens? Well, you can take it as a temporary setback, but use it to motivate you to reach where you want to be.....

or, you can say that God didn't want it to happen....or you can sulk. I don't even know which option is the best. i think I usually look for a plan B when plan A doesn't happen.

I think I'm looking forward to being a wife. I'm ready ( I think) to constantly share of myself with someone....NOT SEXUALLY, though that's a part of it. I'm talking more of sharing my time, my emotions, my conversation, my efforts, my money.....I like the thought of cooking for my husband, decorating a home, folding laundry....loading the dishwasher....seems kind of fun right now. I may change my mind when I get married; who knows.
Also, though....that feeling that at least 2 people always have your back no matter what: God and your spouse. That has to be a good feeling. I bet some married people don't even feel like their spouse has their back though; they probably feel like them and their spouse are against each other....Must be a tormenting feeling.

I fear that I'll fall short as a wife: that I'll get too fat, or lazy, or too preoccupied or something. I don't know what other areas I'll fall short in. I wish I was perfect....

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

life update

I just came from the cardinals game with my boss, his family, and coworkers. I love my colleagues. I must say, ever since I left Steak n Shake back in 2000, and the Gap in 2005, I've had the best coworkers ever. They are a lot of fun, and I think I prefer hanging with everyone outside the office than inside. It's a more relaxed atmosphere.
I do wonder....why are African-Americans still underrepresented on THIS side of the legal field. There's plenty of us in the jails; but not nearly enough of us filling the courtrooms, the lawschools, the bar meetings. It's disheartening.

A lot of people have been asking about my boo boo lately....long distance sucks. I think a long distance relationship in some ways takes more work, but in some ways it is less work. Less work because I guess you're not really expected to spend time together, like in person....but more work because you have to create unique ways to interact over the phone/internet so you dont get bored. So far, I can't say that I've been bored with my relationship. Every moment has been filled with excitement. Thanks to my boo boo for creating the infamous "phone movie date." We've done phone church services...the only thing we haven't done is phone sex...but I think we gotta be married for that.