This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Friday, June 17, 2005


Today the judge catered in food for a Father's Day party in the courtroom. All the dads got to eat first. And she gave all the dad's gifts. The courtroom across the hall had a fried chicken contest, and the judge in there made the final decision. More than just criminal stuff goes on in court.

I was driving home today, bumping CAJO (Canton Jones), one of them tracks with the best beat ever recorded in the history of mankind. I was at a stoplight, and this bum was walking across the street--an old guy with missing teeth, extremely old clothes, limping, looked like he smelled bad. Well, he just starts dancing in the middle of the street; I mean tootsie roll and droppin it like it's hot and all kinds of stuff. Cars were honking at him because he was blocking traffic. He was pointing in my car, indicating that he was dancing to my beats. Interesting stuff. He smiled and waved at me when I drove away. Hmmmm....

So, is "Do what makes you happy?" really good advice. Honestly, if everyone did what made them truly happy, would anybody really work? I don't think I would. I think I would live on a private island, only with the people who I liked being around, with a church a mansion, organic juices, fruits, and veggies, and plenty of fun stuff to do--movie rentals, books, word, and chill on the beach, play basketball, tennis, volleyball, swim, play keyboard, kick it with my family and friends. Well, there aren't many degrees that prepare you for that line of work. So, should you really do what makes you happy, or should you start off doing what is practical?

It's funny how old people have all this great advice, but they never tell you how to carry it out. I guess that's just what we have to learn ourselves.


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