This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Monday, June 27, 2005


SO everyone at the job keeps asking me where I'm going to take the bar. Now, if it was completely and totally up to me, and there were no outside factors and circumstances to consider, I would move to Atlanta, Georgia and be a pretty happy camper. At least for a few years. I could kick it with Creflo, and go to all the conferences, and have a great time! Then, Michigan is growing on me, but only because of Word of Faith. I don't like Southfield, and I really can't stand Detroit. I would live way out in the burbs if I hung around the D. Other than church and cool people there, I really don't have a strong desire to stay in Michigan. Then, compelling familial circumstances are drawing me to St. Louis, where I know there are many Word churches, but I don't know what Bible-carrying devil stomping crowd I would roll with.
Stay in NY? I could almost do that, but I heard the winters out here were bad like Michigan's. In addition, there's a lot of elevated land, which makes it tougher to drive in the snow. Kentucky--that's the forbidden state. Too much heartache, haterade, and hidden in the middle of NOTHING. Texas and LA? I would only go there because of family ties. Otherwise, my preference is a more centralized location, so I can get up and drive wherever I want whenever I want. So what's left--Chi-town. Plenty of esh, good shopping, good Word, and pretty central to my regularly traveled locations, except for the ATL. I'm told winter there is miserable too.

So what does that leave? Well, there are a lot of states I haven't been too yet. I know inside that it's about what God wants, and there may still be some rebel in me that needs to come out. However, I don't want to live in anymore cold, snowy weather. But I don't want to live anywhere that's not a car-ride away from where I like to go. SO, maybe there's a town in Tennessee that's waiting on me. I have a feeling after this summer I am going to want to come back and visit Jersey. There are a lot of really nice, cool people here. I love it! But I'm all the way across the country from my pops. : ( What is a girl to do?


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