This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


V.D. has got to be the coolest prosecutor in the world. When he doesn't get his way in court, he gets loud. I promise he could convince someone that the sky is yellow when it's really blue. The judge almost always rules in his favor. THe public defender hates him. Cool stuff! Next week V.D. is out of town, so I'll be doing his job (parts of it anyway).

So this kid is on trial on the 12th floor for a murder. He's apparently involved in a gang, and was just robbing some innocent chics for money. He has real long hair. One of his boys came to watch him in court today, and spent the whole time twisting his hair. The defendant looks as if he is my age, male black. He has an extensive record. Sad that he made these poor decisions so early. I think he's going to go away for quite some time.

Free lunch again today! The judge's secretary's birthday was today, and the judge invited me to lunch with the whole gang. Lunch was catered into the courtroom, and the judge made everyone hold hands and pray over the food. She stated that if anyone was offended by prayer they should leave. Cool!

Excitement today--everyone at the office is real hype about all the murder trials going on in the building, and all the witnesses and stuff. Also, everyone's yapping about the Michael Jackson trial. It seems like every prosecutor I've met thinks he's guilty. I wonder if that's just how prosecutor's think. It might be rubbing off on me.


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