This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

LiFe JoNEs

So I got a few new buddies here--Dicelis, Jean Paul, and Steve. Also, a lot of the people at the office are becoming more friendly, and inviting us to social gatherings and things of that nature. Tonight, it's about game 6!! Pistons gotta, and will pull it off. You can quote me if you want.

I went to this place called the Gospel Cafe today, and last week they showed The Truth About Hip Hop and had a discussion. I wish I would have been there. I wanted to ask the lady if they were going to show it again, but she was way too busy for customers on the phone with one of her friends.

So I missed a mandatory meeting by telephone I was supposed to attend (or listen in on) at the law school concerning my externship. I didn't do it on purpose, it just completely slipped my mind. I've been having so much going on at the office, I just haven't really thought much about school affairs. So, i have to write a 10 page paper instead of 5 at the end of the summer. Sucks. Speaking of school, I think that this semester I'm taking a very light load. I only have 18 credits to go, so I'm thinking of splitting them up as 10 & 8 or 9 & 9. This way I'll have more time for my job at the Court, volunteer stuff, campus ministry, music, church, and all those other things I do outside of legal stuff. I'm really looking forward to the fall semester. It's going to be busy though.

Dear Ayanna, I paid the electric bill. You'll be lighted for another month! : ) Dear South Orange, I haven't paid that parking ticket that yall know yall were wrong for giving me. Dear Ora Manor, rent is on the way. Dear God, do you see all these financial obligations?


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