This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

SOWING my single Oats...

Is that how they say it? Well, anywho, that's what I feel like I'm doing. Everyone I at the prosecutor's office says that it's good that I'm traveling now, because in a few years I probably won't be able to. They're usually referring to things like employment and marital status, children, things of that nature that tend to lock a sistah down. Question: how do they know I'm the marrying kind? Well, I do hope to marry one day, a real, mighty, man of God that's so fine that I can taste his good looks just be seeing him. Please, only 6 packs apply, thank you. : ) I still don't know about being locked down though. My man has to like to travel. My fam and friends are all over the country. Plus, there are still a lot of places I haven't been yet in the U.S. alone.

Been there done that list: Alabama, California, Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri***, Mississippi, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, PEnn(drove through for a long time), Texas, Tennessee.

To see list: all of Florida, Louisiana--New Orleans, Baton Rouge; Portland & Seattle; Philadelphia (in very near future), Wisconsin (Go Jonathan!), Arizona--Phoenix (go Matt!); Hawaii

Yeah, after that I will at least been to half of the states. I realized that traveling tends to show you how ignorant you are. There is so much to learn in other environments. It's great. Maybe the spousy and I will be urban evangelists, and travel U.S cities. That would be fun. But whoever, he is, he got to be fa real, not skirrrrd to go somewhere and try something new. I like to be on the move.


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