This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Friday, November 28, 2008

a death

No....nobody died. But, it's my 28th birthday, and I keep thinking about how in two more years my 20s will be dead. Absolutely gone....forever. It's kinda sad that oftentimes the decisions you make in your twenties is what shapes your life. I mean, people decide in their twenties what to major in at college, or whether they should even go to college, and also they decide a career. People in their twenties decide who they will marry; or sometimes who they'll have sex with, which could result in an unwanted pregnancy, or an unwanted marriage for that matter.

Some people in their twenties commit crimes, sometimes heinous crimes, only to spend 30-40 years behind bars. Then they look back and think on how stupid they were. It is hard to make such difficult decisions and be sooo young.
30 should be the new 20, because at least at 30 you know a little bit more about life, and are possibly more likely to make rational, intelligent decisions. us 20 somethings are lusty, selfish, irrational, emotional....way too much going on to decide what the rest of my life will entail.
All I can say is: Lord guide least until I hit 30. I guess then I'll probably need you even more, just for different types of problems. sigh