when Christians (and non-Christians) get called out on something they're doing wrong, the first thing they say is "who are you to judge?" Well, there's a big difference between judging a person, and inspecting their fruit. I'm a fruit inspector! I can't help if I see what I see.
Jesus said you know a tree by the fruit it bears. Good trees don't bear bad fruit, and bad trees don't bear good fruit. SO, if you know ur not acting right, you can't get mad if you get called out. I get called out from time to time; I just gotta accept correction and move on.
It's just like, if I played a horrible basketball game today (and I did) and someone comes and says I sucked, I can't get mad. They're not judging, just expressing what they saw from my performance. What else are they supposed to go on, what's in my heart? What does what's in my heart have to do with my game?
With Christians, why is what's in our heart always our excuse for living lifestyles that are no different than the unsaved? There's no excuse. If we can't be told apart, what's the point of being a Christian? If we're not productive in our Christianity, why even rock the t-shirt?
No, I'm not perfect, and never will be. However, my FRUIT should reflect whose side I'm on.