This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


when Christians (and non-Christians) get called out on something they're doing wrong, the first thing they say is "who are you to judge?" Well, there's a big difference between judging a person, and inspecting their fruit. I'm a fruit inspector! I can't help if I see what I see.

Jesus said you know a tree by the fruit it bears. Good trees don't bear bad fruit, and bad trees don't bear good fruit. SO, if you know ur not acting right, you can't get mad if you get called out. I get called out from time to time; I just gotta accept correction and move on.

It's just like, if I played a horrible basketball game today (and I did) and someone comes and says I sucked, I can't get mad. They're not judging, just expressing what they saw from my performance. What else are they supposed to go on, what's in my heart? What does what's in my heart have to do with my game?

With Christians, why is what's in our heart always our excuse for living lifestyles that are no different than the unsaved? There's no excuse. If we can't be told apart, what's the point of being a Christian? If we're not productive in our Christianity, why even rock the t-shirt?

No, I'm not perfect, and never will be. However, my FRUIT should reflect whose side I'm on.


Blogger The Southern Oracle said...

Here's my question. How can you judge and condemn so many types of people/actions (Kanye, Jay-Z, Beyonce, people who listen to rap/hip-hop, or hip-itself) if you know nothing about it or them. You can't "call it how you see it" if your not even paying attention. You don't know any of those musicians. You don't know hip-hop; you don't even listen to it. All you hear is bad representation through the radio and media. Songs like "Laffy Taffy" and "Wait" are bad models for those who have no direction; however they are no different than those designated to be role models in the church who knowingly go out doing "God knows what" as soon as service lets out; matter of fact, your judgemental comments don't necessarily coincide with holiness now do they. It seems like you condemn so much to make yourself appear "more holy", like you are so much better than everyone else. When God appointed you to work for him, he did not give you the authority to judge, because you are NOT on his level. I'm sure he can judge you right now for a gang of stuff that you shouldn't be doing, so don't make blunt judgements about things, actions, or people to which you have no prior knowledge. Theoretically, these musicians, who you hate so much could technically turn their lives around (the same way you did) and become more "nunly" than you have and be able to tear your actions/behavior down. Do you still see your judging as acceptable?

01 March, 2006

Blogger Girly Tomboy said...

If you played a horrible basketball game, you should be expected to be called out by SPECTATORS. You, my friend, are not a spectator, nor inspector of my fruit. My fruit is not FOR you to inspect, nor have you been appointed by God as a fruit inspector. You are a fisher of men and in judging, you are using the WRONG bait. Yes, you are judging.

Who are you to tell me whether or not I am or am not saved b/c of the lifestyle I lead or the choices I make? Have a look at Romans 10:9. THAT is the golden ticket for entrance to the Club, not whether or not you or anybody else agrees with what I feel, do, say or listen to.

We are born into a world of sin and thus we are all sinners. There are sinners, murderers, rapists and thiefs in heaven. It is by God's grace that we are saved. Not by yours or your pastor's.

01 March, 2006

Blogger DSTNCTION said...

Someone walks into a store, looked over their shoulder at the busy store clerk and takes some candy, puts it in their pocket and walked out without paying for it. Another person saw this and said, "They are a thief." Did they judge? No, they simply stated the obvious.

People are so quick to say, "stop judging me!" when what they need to be doing is recognizing when they are in the wrong. If I am not mistaken jdjanelle never said, "Oh! Kanye West and Beyonce are going to Hell right now!They are forever doomed to fire and brimstone" NO what she did was point out the discrepancy between education and our children's knowlege of NEGATIVE hip hop lyrics. What she did was say, look at all the negative images that are being portrayed through hip-hop music (maybe not every artist, chill out). And its true! The overwhelming majority of certain artist reflect, promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse, murder, etc. Stop trying to condemn her for stating the obvious and look at it for what it is! Quit making excuses for peoples behavior and your own. Be a real man/woman, admit that there are some things that need to be changed. Quit wining about how someone is "judging," open your eyes and make some concious decisions to NOT get caught up in the hype.

By the way, if after reading my introduction, you thought "maybe the person had a previous arrangement with the store owner and thats why they could take the candy without paying for it." then I am talking to you. Excuses are tools of the incompetent...

01 March, 2006


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