This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Da Scripshas...and why I hate religion

I heard someone say today, "This week I read Ezekiel 37,38, and 39 in the newspaper." There's an exciting thing about Bible prophesy coming to pass--people who have never experienced or saw God will do so before it's all over. So much is going on in the world right now, particularly the middle east. Nations rising against nations...wars and rumors of such. But, God's people always get the last laugh.

I decided today that I do officially hate religion. "Religion" is empty. There's nothing in it! Just stuff to do. Going to church doesn't make you holy, nor does prayer, or fasting, or doing good things. What makes one holy is their inner commitment to God. This doesn't mean that church, prayer, fasting aren't good things to do. On the same note, it's hard for me to respect religions where all there are is a bunch of rules to follow. Who wants to follow a bunch of rules? That's so boring....not only that, if I was God, I wouldn't want a bunch of people following boring rituals in the name of me, like they're forcing themselves to do a bunch of stuff they don't really feel like doing.

I also have trouble respecting religions that encourage people to kill those that don't believe like they do. My pastor read from a certain religious text a couple of sundays ago, and the congregation was perplexed.

Anywho, God (to me) is so much cooler than a bunch of rules. God is equivalent to love and liberty. I don't think a boring, ritualized church service is a reflection of God. And I don't think churches that have NO impact in the community are a true reflection of God either. GOd brings power...and power changes things.


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