This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

the popcorn InCIdent...

Today, all the legal clinicians in the rental housing clinic had to take a group picture. As we were posing, my supervising attorney exclaims, "By the way Tanisha you're in a world of crap for that popcorn incident you pulled yesterday!" The popcorn incident:

Yesterday as I left the clinic I was really hungry and decided to pop some popcorn in the microwave. I put it in for 4 minutes and left the area to talk. I ended up talking to this boy KC about piano stuff, and then I remembered that I had popcorn in the microwave. I got there, and there were 2 seconds left. I opened the door and was greeted with thick smoke. I pulled out the bag--at first I thought it was steam but realized it was way too thick and black. It was only a matter of seconds before the room smelled like smoke. All of the popcorn was completely black and it didn't stop smoking. I took it across the hall and then set it on the hallway floor while I signed out of the clinic. I came back to it to find it still smoking. So then I dumped the popcorn out into this trash can in the hallway, and it looked the trashcan was on fire! THen I dumped the bag into a different can, and jetted out. APparently the smell still hasn't left the place. SOmeone told on me...

my alcoholic timeline

The last time I consumed alcohol was my 21st birthday. I was at applebees, surrounded by about 20something friends. I had a long island iced tea. My first experience was at the age of 6 or 7, my parents had a party and someone had left their newly opened beer on the table. I finished it off. Yeah, I got caught too...

And then there were a few snippets in between, shortly before my 21st birthday, and shortly thereafter. I never had an addiction, or a problem, and I think I was just doing it because everyone else was.

Now, I don't drink anything but water and juice. It would go against my convictions to drink now. I don't look down on people who do, it's just my personal conviction. Bishop Butler went through some scriptures on alcohol the other day, and said that "mature Christians don't drink." Thought it was interesting, and I'm sure some people were upset.

Besides, I've seen a lot of drunken females led out of parties by some dude. Who knows where they went and what they did.

Sunday, January 29, 2006


On Thursday night, Pastor James Pierce asserted that sex only makes up about 20% of a marriage, so that single people who want to marry only for sex are in for a disappointment. Shortly thereafter, a comedian got up and screamed that he wanted his 20%, and started running around the church.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


In junior high, if a kid told another kid to do something, and the kid immediately did it, everyone would yell, "CHECK!" Or if the teacher said to do something, and it was immediately done, you yelled, "CHECK." And of course, when I tear people up on the chess board, and I'm in a position to attack their king, I yell "check!" It was always fun to yell, unless it was happening to you.

So I was recently checked by a mentor in the ministry! Oh, it hurt, but it was needed, and I realized how selfish I had been in some areas. And, as a result thereof, I feel like i have clear direction with regards to my post-graduation plans. SO, there's like a sigh of relief, but also a humbling process. Somebody help me...

Monday, January 23, 2006


I'm a 3 L , in my last semester of law school and i've been in school all my life and i've been in class all day and all month and all i know is school for the last 21 years and I'm ready to GO!!!!! Help me help me help me IM TIRED OF SCHOOL DOGGONIT DOGGONIT GET ME OUT OF HERE and then when it's all over i gotta do 6 more weeks of school to study for a freaking bar exam. GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!

okay im done complaining.

things many people don't know about me

(1) I love music, which is why I enjoy playing the piano/keyboard, and I enjoy singing on the Praise and Worship team with Selah Campus Ministry. I sang in a play in highschool; I sang solos in the church choir; and I played in jazz bands orchestras, and marching band, but that was back when I was working with the clarinet. And, the only genre of music I really listen to is gospel/contemporary christian.

(2) I'm a vegetarian. Yes, a liberal conservative, if you will. Not much goes on plate that at one time could have run away from me. I do have some dairy products, but I generally use soymilk. It's good stuff.

(3) I've secretly always wanted a gun. Just a small, cute one. Maybe one that's pink. Just to have, and not necessarily to use.

(4) I'm working to rid my soul of a fear of commitment. Not necessarily only in relationships...but jobs too, to volunteer work, to people, to causes, to a state. I don't know why I have a problem with commitment. Maybe because I'm kind of free spirited, or maybe I don't trust people yet.

(5) I got suspended a few times in junior high and high school. My high school guidance counselor told me to lie on my application to U of Chicago. I still got accepted.

(6) I do enjoy certain types of writing. In fact, every now and then I work on a fiction novel I started on about a year ago. I'm not as good a poet as J.N. and M.P. But I do enjoy writing just random stuff, like in blogs. : )

(7) okay if I don't stop there, i might go deeper than i should. : ) not that I have anything to hide or anything.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The state of my mind address

my lawschool GPA has reached it's highest point, and I must give God the glory. When I first got in school my GPA was pretty average. Now I'm headed toward graduating with honors. I have 2 interviews in Chicago in a couple of weeks. I hate thinking about careers...all they do is put people like me in some sort of box. When I was little, I told my mom I wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, carwasher, and a model. This is fine when ur little, but as you get older people encourage you to lock yourself down into one.

So I saw the movie 13 going on 30. The movie had a happy ending when the chic ended up marrying her childhood best friend friend. Is this not scary to anyone? My best friend from kiddyhood was Jon Moss, and we agreed long ago that if neither of us was married by 30, we would get hitched. I'm not sure if I'll be ready to settle by 30--that's only 5 years away and there's so many things I want to do.

somebody help me...

Monday, January 16, 2006


Have you ever sat at the dinner table with two men that are your parent's age, and they commence to explaining to you the dances they do at the club? How they like to pop lock, drop it like it's hot, and perculate? And shortly thereafter get up and demonstrate in the middle of the dining room floor how to accurately drop it like it's hot? Well, this is what happened to me Saturday night when I got to my friend's house after the Pistons game. The following quote resulted:

"Man, when you at the club, them women be dropping it! And you gotta get down there quick so you can catch it!"

I was subsequently asked whether I like pop locking......


Thursday, January 12, 2006


Can these be rolled up and smoked? Is that illegal? I'm just curious, no plans of smoking anything.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

hold your mule!!

It's not often that I speak on impulse. In fact, most people complain that I think too much before I answer questions.
Well, those complainers would be proud of me today. The horses broke through the gate before I got a chance to unlock it. OOPS! Forgive me, Jesus.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Sales and Leases, Landlords and Tenants, Beans and Cornbread

When I was at home, my grandmother made my dad's favorite--beans and cornbread with banana pudding. ahhhhh it was wonderfully delicious. No one's ready for that good good down home St. Louis food.
Anywho, the semester has officially begun, and my brain is yet to accompany my body to my various classes. I think it will be an exciting final semester. I'm particularly looking forward to the rental housing clinic.

Belinda--if you're reading this, thanks for getting me hip to Meet the Browns! My roomie and I watched it last night! hilarious...

My cousin asked me if I got my Christmas kiss. Unless you count the ones from my 3-yr old nephew, my cousin, and my dad, I can't say that I did. However, I did appreciate the ones I voluntarily received from my nephew, as well as the ones I forced upon him.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

I think I love books and movies

Have you ever had like 10 books you wanted to read right this moment? I kind of feel like that right now, but I only read 1 at a time so I make sure I get everthing. Right now I'm reading Confessions of St. Augustine. Why? I like reading people's stories of "finding" God. It's an interesting read. The coolest thing is that some of the same issues prevalent in young people today were faced by Augustine in like 400 A.D. I thought that was cool.

I was reading Discover WHo You Are or something like that. It's this book about PURPOSE! It teaches you how to recognize the gifts inside of you, the career paths you've pursued, the things you like to study, to help you understand how God can use you in the body of CHrist. It's a really cool, practical book.

Movies: right now, MADAGASCAR is at the top of my movie list. My 3 yr old nephew made the whole family watch it over and over during Christmas. It's great! But I would like to purchase the Gospel also. I want to see the Narnia movie

Other books on my future reading list:

5 Love Languages 4 singles
The Millionare Next Door
Screwtape Letters
The Lady, Her Lover, and Her Lord
not to mention, Secured Transactions, Landlord Tenant Law, and Criminal Procedure because of my upcoming courses. : )