This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Monday, January 23, 2006

things many people don't know about me

(1) I love music, which is why I enjoy playing the piano/keyboard, and I enjoy singing on the Praise and Worship team with Selah Campus Ministry. I sang in a play in highschool; I sang solos in the church choir; and I played in jazz bands orchestras, and marching band, but that was back when I was working with the clarinet. And, the only genre of music I really listen to is gospel/contemporary christian.

(2) I'm a vegetarian. Yes, a liberal conservative, if you will. Not much goes on plate that at one time could have run away from me. I do have some dairy products, but I generally use soymilk. It's good stuff.

(3) I've secretly always wanted a gun. Just a small, cute one. Maybe one that's pink. Just to have, and not necessarily to use.

(4) I'm working to rid my soul of a fear of commitment. Not necessarily only in relationships...but jobs too, to volunteer work, to people, to causes, to a state. I don't know why I have a problem with commitment. Maybe because I'm kind of free spirited, or maybe I don't trust people yet.

(5) I got suspended a few times in junior high and high school. My high school guidance counselor told me to lie on my application to U of Chicago. I still got accepted.

(6) I do enjoy certain types of writing. In fact, every now and then I work on a fiction novel I started on about a year ago. I'm not as good a poet as J.N. and M.P. But I do enjoy writing just random stuff, like in blogs. : )

(7) okay if I don't stop there, i might go deeper than i should. : ) not that I have anything to hide or anything.


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