This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

An Autobiographical Account

I don’t usually do these, because they expose how stupid I can be

It’s my freshman year in college, my first week on the campus of Kentucky State University, and HBCU. I’m 18, freshly broken up with my high school sweet heart, and ready to experience whatever college life has to offer. Tweety and I had just unloaded the car into a dorm room, which I later found to be the wrong one. And, since Tweety was across town, I had to put my stuff back into the car by myself. Laboring to carry my E machine box to the car, I received an offer to help by a young man I will call Bailey, an encounter that would chang my college life. I accepted Bailey’s offer to help, and soon all of my things were back in the car. I thanked him and went away.
To my surprise, I ran into Bailey at a party the next evening. Bailiey was from a Northern city, in which they did a dance, I think called a “git” or something, of which I was quite unfamiliar. However, being a young woman of artistic appreciation, I was very impressed by Mr. Bailey’s moves. By the end of the night, I was slow dancing in his arms to Dru Hill. That night, he asked me for my number, and asked me to go out with him. That Friday, we went out (classes had not even started yet, and I was manifestly over the ex!)

That night, I put on an outfit my friend Jasmine had just given to me. It consisted of an off white mini with a matching top, and some brown sandals. Back then, my legs were a hot commodity—4 years of basketball, 1 of volleyball, 2 weeks of track, and a lot of walking had done me well.

I approached Mr. Bailey’s small ghetto car, and offered to drive. I don’t remember which of us drove. But I do know we went out to eat. That night, over dinner, we poured our life stories, and our hearts, out to one another. We found we had many commonalities, and that we had actually encountered one another a few years back at a church function in Louisville. He told me his life story, his abuses, his fears. We laughed we cried, and we kissed in the car….for a very long time. It was my first college kiss, and it was grand! We had each found the one, and it only took a couple of hours. After the kiss, Bailey expressed his undying love for me, and I began to shed a cry…..

All this in a 3 day period. A week later I was involved with another northerner.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Veggeeez 4 thought

Okay, if you have a friend that's studying for the bar exam (ahem), it may not be a good time to tell them about all the other friends you have that have failed. might not be a good idea. Even though, there's just not enough pressure as it is on these bar examinees, you just may not want to do it.

Oh yeah, and if you've just asked your child for the 5th time in 2 minutes if they want a spanking, I think they know by now that they're not going to get one. So you probably shouldn't waste your breath with the threat of such. Let see what else....

Oh yeah, if you're a construction worker/engineer/plumber/any repairman, and you bend over a lot, you may want to invest in some good overalls. That way, all cracks are covered when engaging in the heavy duty. Wal-Mart has good ones, as well as K-Mart.

I think that's enough veggiez for now...

Monday, July 03, 2006

I honked at a funeral procession

Not on purpose...I mean, I didn't even know it was a funeral until this lady informed me, in between cussing me out. I was pissed, and couldn't understand why all these black folks were running a red light on my green.

Anywhose, I have a new favorite show. Now, a good question is when am I finding time to watch tv? Well, usually around 11:00pm each night I end up back home, just in time for Bernie Mac, and I treat myself to an episode after a long day of slaving over the man's laws. The show is's so not politically correct. However, it has some good, fun humor, and nice themes, complete with happy endings, or at least funny ones. The man is hilarious.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Life's been

Okay, so this bar thing is really outta control! It makes me wanna cuss! I just might! Well, maybe not.
Anywho, wild things this week--two people from highschool passed in a 7 day period, and my 3yr old baby cousin is in the hospital from heart surgery. Bless her darling heart...she's the cutest thing, and the whole fam's praying her out of ICU. However, nothing gets a 3 yr old's mind off of chest pain like a Dora he Explorer toy you throw at the wall and watch it walk down....way cool.

As for me, I decided to work on my...blatantness. Certain aspects of my career require it. Even though I kinda wanna get barefoot and pregnant first, the whole husband thingy takes a while, so I decided to put that on hold. I'm searching for the balance between being upfront with people and still spare their precious feelings. I can't be a sappy lawyer!!!