This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Veggeeez 4 thought

Okay, if you have a friend that's studying for the bar exam (ahem), it may not be a good time to tell them about all the other friends you have that have failed. might not be a good idea. Even though, there's just not enough pressure as it is on these bar examinees, you just may not want to do it.

Oh yeah, and if you've just asked your child for the 5th time in 2 minutes if they want a spanking, I think they know by now that they're not going to get one. So you probably shouldn't waste your breath with the threat of such. Let see what else....

Oh yeah, if you're a construction worker/engineer/plumber/any repairman, and you bend over a lot, you may want to invest in some good overalls. That way, all cracks are covered when engaging in the heavy duty. Wal-Mart has good ones, as well as K-Mart.

I think that's enough veggiez for now...


Blogger K.Lynn said...

I love that when I am at work, I can always look for a good blog from you. It makes me laugh in the midst of these wierd work days :-)

10 July, 2006

Blogger nosthegametoo said...

Veggiez only make me think of neglect. That made it hard to concentrate on this post.

11 July, 2006


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