Okay, so I was thinking today of that old saying, "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game." Now, is that really practical, or is it bologna. My friend's bar results come out tomorrow. I know she's going to pass. But if someone failed, are they to tell their employer, "Well, I failed the test, but my preparation skills were stellar. Man, you should have seen me study!" Yeah right, it's all about the end result.
So right now I can only think of one scenario where the way you play the game is important, and that's just life in general. One day we'll be held accountable for our actions. ANy other time, I say bump the m.o. and just win! We win!
Anywho, I hate thinking about the bar thing, but there comes a time in life when you say you trust God, and you just actually have to do it. I've reached that place. I'm not spooky or nothing, but I know it was God's grace and favor and help that allowed me to get through lawschool and still keep my gpa high enough to maintain my scholarship. I spent more hours in the library than anyone, and was still clueless. Yet, when test time came, somehow I was always ready. I've never failed a test in my life, and I refuse to start now! Aint that right...