This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Monday, September 19, 2005


it never ceases to amaze me how weird you guyz are. What's wrong with you? It's probably Adam's fault. I'm not sure. There's not a male in my life who I can say I completely understand. AM I the weird one? don't think so...

anywho, i was thinking about some of my friends yesterday, and the different things they offer:

If you need a good laugh--dana & alvin; something funny's always happening to them

need a good story--k Lynn. Something weird and funny is always happening to her

need someone to preach--denard

need a testimony--kevlo dollar

need a sweet answer no matter what the issue--darrian

need a poem--marcus allan pitman

need to hear about a vision--darriel

need a hug--skyler, shawndia

need something to eat--mark; quita

need good advice--james the investigator; kenti

need a smile--michelle

a strange idea--jon moss

there's more; i'll continue on this later


Blogger K.Lynn said...

Oh so I always have a story, huh??? You are sooo right!!! I haven't changed...still the same ole' K.Lynn. Since I haven't talked to you in a while, you are missing a lot from my life. God is THE MANNNNNNNNNN AND THEN SOME!!! I still have situations...interesting ones. Girl, and the maleness will never end. I completely feel you on that one. The maleness issues I experience are out of control.

Yes, Sky does give the best hugs too!!!
We need to talk soon and not just communicate on our blogs. You have a good guess on my last topic though, but that was not one of my secrets:-)

22 September, 2005


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