This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

tHe ApPeAl Of A tHrIfT SToRe jUnKIE

interesting week thus far...
Yesterday I made an official court appearance against this private attorney in front of an appellate judge. It was great! I won the appeal, and the judge told me that my brief was very thorough an excellently written! I was geeked, but I tried to play it cool. Some of the other interns came and supported me, and I was glad they were there. Holy Ghost was helping me think on my feet. i got a little smart with the other attorney, cuz she thought she was the junk. But anywho, the judge, my attorney, and the other interns, and the law clerk said I did a great job. However, the losing attorney came up to me afterwards and said to me with a nasty attitude that my performance wasn't that good. My attorney I'm working under said she was just hating cuz she don't like to lose.
So after work, me an Dicelis went to some thrift stores. We found some really cute stuff for cheap, and this man gave me a dress for free that I liked. FAVOR!!!

Anyway, so I feel like us interns are really bonding. All of the guys are really cool. A couple of them are pretty hot! : ) And me and most of the girls have hung out after work, either shopping or at the detention center. I'm going to miss them all when I leave, but we had a great summer together.


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