This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Yo, I got mad favor everyone I go. It's like surrounding me, like a cloud of the latter rain yo! No, but for real. I was real hype when I got to the office and an attorney asked me if I wanted to go to the Broadway musical, The Producers (Mel Gibson, I think) because he had bought me a ticket. HYPE!!! Yo, so I went home, got cute, came back and went to the show. It was cool. The acting, singing, and dancing--best in the world. These people were extremely talented. The actual plot was cool, but it had a little too much raunchiness. Otherwise, it was a cool play.

Then me and this chic Sharry from the office went over what we are going to do with the kids tomorrow. The plan is to discuss conflict management with them. I'm excited about that.

Newark--so these 2 girls were fighting outside a local highschool. One of the girls called her brother, a blood, to come and shoot the other girl. The cops showed up at the scene to break up the fight. Big brother comes to the scene with his gun, to also "break up" the fight. He ends up shooting the cops, killing one, injuring the other, and fled the scene. Witnesses are scared to testify, because the bloods have people on lock. So, dude made bail and is now back on the street, b/c nobody wants to testify against him. Sad stuff.

Anywho, I miss Michigan, but I was talking to my friend Jon the other night, and he said something interesting to me about St. Louis. He said, "Tanisha, don't come back to St. Louis unless you are coming to actually make a difference and help change things." It's funny he said that, cuz that's exactly what I plan on doing. They don't call my world changer for nuthin....


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