This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

People watching

I realized that I can people watch for long periods of time and be thoroughly entertained. It can get you in trouble sometimes though. Some guy make thing you're "making eyes" at him, when he's really just being people watched. i don't know if it's because I'm nosy, or curious, or just bored. Either way, it's fun. Now, I must confessed, sometimes I have to repent as I people watch. Have you ever seen an extremely large woman come into a restaurant and order like a world of food? You catch things like this as you people watch, and have to keep your brain from thinking things like, "Maybe she shouldnt be here..." Who knows where I shouldn't be that I continue to go to, like the shopping mall, so I can't come down on her.

In other news, I'm coming closer to my target weight which is 138 lbs. I'm now at 142, and I think I like it. I will need a gym membership soon though, because we probably only have another month or so of morning jogging weather. It's back to school time, and I'm not back to school--that feels good!


Blogger David said...

Hey sweetheart,
I love to peep watch too. I get caught up in it and now try to not people watch as frequent due to the fact that I judge people too easily and worry that people are watching and judging me while I'm going about my business. And wait, you're telling me that girls aren't making eyes at me? Well that sucks.

Miss ya, good luck in school!

28 August, 2006


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