This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Friday, May 26, 2006

church singles meetings

Oh boy...
I went to Bible study tonight at a local church. afterwards this lady told me there was a singles meeting down the hall. so, i went, and they were watching a video, and thad food...and there were like 50 old women and 10 old men and one thugged out young man. Now, I kinda don't like singles meetings because people assume that you are "looking." Unfortunately, I cannot "look" or "be looked at" until this bar exam is over.

anywho, the one, thugged out (looking) brotha followed me out of the church when I left. He had been watching me the entire time I was watching the video. (We were probably the youngest individuals in the room) I was slightly ahead of the crowd. (oh boy) Andhe started asking me questions about it being my first time there and such. I just wanted to go home without giving or refusing to give my telephone number. So I walked very fast as we talked and as soon as there was a break in the convo said holla back.

Now, for those that think I'm judgmental, let me correct myself by saying dude may or may not have been some sort of thug type. I was only referring to his physical appearance, that's all. I don't know him from Adam....and thank God for that.

With regard to singleness, I think I'm starting to "feel" "ripe" for some action. I dont' exactly know what action means, but I'm starting to feel like I'm in puberty all over again. I'm noticing, and thinking about people, and things, that I didn't before. I figure it could mean one of two things. 1) My season for a relationship is approaching, and I can stop hiding, or 2) I'm definitely and completely over the ex as well as what he did. I guess it could be a combination of the two. Either way, it's kind of exciting.


Blogger nosthegametoo said...


I love to watch the seasons change, especially when they are so lovely through and through.

Isn't Spring-time exciting?

Now, if I can only find a nice peasant girl to rollerblade to a rundown chapel with on Sunday mornings, I'll be cool.

Guess peasants aren't always blessed liked that.

Must be nice to be Royalty. Especially when you're admired and followed by your dream "Thug of the Roundtable," and he comes bouncing up in his White G-Ride (on 22's of course), with long flowing braids down to his bottom.


27 May, 2006

Blogger K.Lynn said...

I completely understand the last paragraph of your blog. I've been kinda weird too recently. I don't know if I'm just trippin or what. I'm not too much into the thug type though either. I try to avoid guys a lot of the time, but then you know my situation. I think my blogs truly explain what I'm going through though. They help me get all my words out.

31 May, 2006


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