This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Why don't people appreciate Dandelions?

I was walking on the sidewalk, and noticed that a large family of dandelions had conquered the grass next to me. I think they are beautiful. I remember being a little kid, and I would pick a handful of dandelions and take them to my mother. She always acted happy to have them. My older brother would yell, "Those are just weeds!" I think he was jealous.

Sure they're weeds, but to me they are just as pretty as flowers. THen, I thought, there has to be a deeper meaning.
One, I thought of how I've seen good-looking people, and then I've seen beautiful people. My distinction is that beautiful people are attractive inside and out. To be good-looking, however, only takes surface-level grooming. Dandelions could be like those good-looking people, who are just a weed in a flower's body.

I also thought about how people are judged based on their status instead of their qualities. I would have never known dandelions were weeds until someone told me. Oftentimes, we judge people based on how much money they have, or a car, or their education, and automatically discount others who don't have these things. So even though the dandelion have-nots are just as good as the daisy-haves, we allow status to distinguish the two.

Am i reading too deep into dandelions? I love dandelions.


Blogger nosthegametoo said...

A Princess should have something infinitely more rare. For a certain Princess, I’m thinking a Lotus Blossom.


28 April, 2006

Blogger K.Lynn said...

I actually think your analysis of dandelions is well executed. It shows how we can take a deeper look into anything that surrounds us and create meaningful evaluations of an otherwise overlooked object.

I think you further expand on this topic to create and excellent article!!! (You've given me an idea)

29 April, 2006


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