This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Cream in my COffee

I discussed today with Joel (white) and K.C. (black and mexican) the subject of interracial dating. Joel is married, K.C. is not. I told them I was wanting some cream in my coffee. I have actually never seriously considered dating a white guy. I do, however, think Italians are quite hot. I also think some middle-eastern guys are cute, but often they're not Christians. Mexican guys are often fly, but they are often pretty short.
I would date outside of my race. I really really would. Part of me desires this experiment. There's this white guy at Word of Faith who I think is highly attractive. Yet, there's part of me that finds its primary attraction to be with chocolate brown men (Boris, of course, is an exception).
K.C. says my dad wouldn't go for interracial dating. I think he wouldn't mind, but might wonder what happened. I haven't completely lost faith in the brothers. There are some good ones out there. However, our community in general is facing some serious issues. Many are growing up without their fathers, and are clueless about being a man. Half of the ones who do have their head on straight are ARROGANT, and don't know how to treat a lady.
I don't expect any special treatment or anything, but it's nice to have an old-fashioned guy who actually values a woman, and knows what one is worth.
anywho, I still consider myself to be an equal opportunity dater.


Blogger nosthegametoo said...

Could it be that the Princess has been hanging with too many peasants???

Be careful, unfamiliar kingdoms often luster brightly from afar... but look quite tarnished up close.

As for me, there are no more Princesses, so I shall quietly fade into obscurity in a 3rd World country.

Isn't that romantic??

03 April, 2006

Blogger JD_Janelle said...

lol! Mr. gametoo, ur hilarious. Too many peasants is a real possibility. Or, maybe there are so many peasants out there, they are hard to get away from. Then you have the peasants that where princely garments.

04 April, 2006


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