This blog is about ree-ality. da truth. that deal. And, since JESUS is the truth, views are a reflection of my beliefs. If you don't agree with me, just pray that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

support the move

SO I was at the mall today and I met this brother who wrote some books. SInce I went book shopping yesterday for the juvenile detention center, I still had a book mindset going on. So I ended up buying one of dude's books, plus a nice bible for like 4 bucks, and also this book i real a long time ago that i had been looking for for like 4 bucks. I might dedicate that one too, but I may read throught it again first.

I recently started reading that book from the Spartan lady, He's fine, but is he saved. I'm actually a little surprised about how good I think the book is. It really is good, and reminds of a lot of the men I know.

Oh yeah, the other day I found the best veggie wrap in the world. It's at this little mom and pop shop called "it's a wrap." It's veggies with hummus and stuff. They might even got Cosi beat. I'm not sure yet.
I've been looking for a godly swimsuit lately. What is a godly swimsuit, by the way? Well, what I'm looking for basically is like some shorts and a halter top. I think that covers enough to be considered "godly." I'm really looking forward to going to the beach out here.

Oh yeah, so yesterday i was at barnes and nobles in the christian inspiration section, and this man from work comes up. It's an old white (maybe irish) man, and we do like one of those negro handshakes where you shake the hand and give a half hug. Well, during the half hug, he kissed me on the cheek. he told me I was in a good section. : ) So I was wondering, was he being flirtatious, or is he just a nice man?

Anywho, I'm starting to miss Michigan, but I think that when I leave here i'll really miss New Jersey also. It's cool out here, and super cool peeps. I can't wait til church tomorrow. I may have a few visitors tag along with me.


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